Awakening Your Sacred Power of Acceptance


Acceptance is the root and the foundation of many wisdom traditions, including Buddhist compassion teachings, the Law of Least Effort, and Christ Consciousness. But regardless of your orientation to these belief systems, you can find powerful, personal evolution by awakening the Sacred Power of Acceptance in your life. Three Levels of Acceptance There are three core levels of acceptance, and we […]

Laughter is the F U T U R E


How comedy saved me from political hell on social media. What is creativity? What is self-realization? How important is laughter in the context of our daily lives? About two years ago, I decided to honor the call of laughter that was foraging from within me. It felt uncertain. Tempting. Like death. In fact, I was certain […]

The Most Powerful Possible Yes to Women


…to the women determined to restore the divine to where it has been pummeled out of memory, where denial is so calcified that our beauty is last to be seen in economics and science and law — laws that are too small for what our bodies know to be true. The most powerful possible Yes to women […]

Become More Than You Are in This Very Moment. It Is the Most Fulfilling Feeling in the World.


“Many a man would come who would easily dispel your beliefs, laugh and say it cannot be done. Look upon such a man with pity, for he knows not the power that exists within him. Never let a man tell you it cannot be done, never let a man drown your beliefs. You are your […]

To Follow Your Heart


As you walk the long road of making your dreams a reality, never lose sight of this teaching from Jesus: “A house divided against itself will fall.” A house divided against itself can be the team members of your startup, each pulling in different directions. A house divided against itself can be the members of your […]

The Most Important Choice You Can Make


“Oh, I forget, you don’t even know. I have terminal Stage 4 Cancer,” he said. My friend had popped up on my text just a few hours before this. “You around later?” Sure. We hadn’t seen or spoke to each other in 18 years. It’s because I hold grudges. 18 years ago I got upset […]

To Know Thyself


The most common belief that people have to live with their entire life is that “I am not enough.” Dr. Kent Hoffman – professor at the University of Virginia – performed a study during the last 40 years, asking people coming from different backgrounds and social environments only one question: “If there is one thought that […]

To say “I Love You”


To say “I love you because of WHO you are – e.g. a great spouse, a best friend, a good colleague” means nothing. When you see the “who,” you don’t see the truth, but an idol which you made with certain attributes that you have judged as worthy of your love. Other people, who lack these attributes that […]

The Secret of Life


Do you know that all the mantras and the chanting, the meditation techniques and the strange yoga positions, the golden cats waving their hand for good luck, the wooden beads around the wrist, the psychological techniques, the various philosophies, the mind tools, the dreadlocks and the coloured clothes, the drinks in the jungle, the meditation […]

Positive Living by Harnessing Nature’s Wisdom and Power


Louis Bromfield, a mid-twentieth century novelist and playwright, published some thirty books, each one a best-seller. Several evolved into Hollywood movies, yet Bromfield chose to devote his life to rehabilitating the “old worn out Ohio farm” he purchased in the 1930s. He wrote of his mission in his non-fiction Pleasant Valley: “The adventure at Malabar is by […]