The Secret of Life


Do you know that all the mantras and the chanting, the meditation techniques and the strange yoga positions, the golden cats waving their hand for good luck, the wooden beads around the wrist, the psychological techniques, the various philosophies, the mind tools, the dreadlocks and the coloured clothes, the drinks in the jungle, the meditation apps, making the sign of the cross when passing the church, yoga, reiki, breathing techniques, crystals are nothing? Even if you read all the Bibles in the world, it remains only information until you develop a heart-to-heart, sincere and pure relationship – in truth – with God.

Before you get offended, let me explain.

If you have a child, do you want your child to chant, to rub stones and wooden toys or to take drugs in order to talk to you, or do you want your child to reach you with an open heart, in full trust of your love for him? Don’t you want your child to tell you all truth, certain that you are always there for him, ready to put your arms around him, to love and care for him regardless of what happens in life?

You don’t need man-made techniques to talk to the One who made you. All you need is to turn your eyes to God, and with an open heart to truly say “Here I am.” This simple truth will give you healing, peace, purpose, and a new life.

Dr. Dragos

Dr Dragos is the author of The Pursuit of Dreams: Claim Your Power, Follow Your Heart and Fulfill Your Destiny, published by Hay House.

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